DP World Ports have sold a Plot to UPS for development as a logistics centre at their London Gateway Super Port in South Essex. Lynch Limited are undertaking the Design and Construction of the UPS Drainage Connections for the plot. The Scheme is described as the drainage from the UPS site, on the north side of Road 1 London Gateway, this is to be discharged to a swale on the south side of Road 1. Consisting of four Outfalls, 1 and 4 is a 900mm dia pipe, 2 and 3 are 750mm dia pipes, each with an inlet Catch pit and an outlet Headwall and protective matress in the swale. The drainage crosses a 6 lane roadway. Traffic Management is implemented to undertake the works, as constant liaison with the Statutory undertakers which all services has been maintained in service during the construction, and all required environmental considerations.